Thursday, March 24, 2011

Video Strategy

This week I looked at the video strategy on Real Simple's website. Like I mentioned in an earlier post about multimedia there are usually videos hidden throughout the website. It just depends on what sections you're looking at. For the most part, the video is service journalism pieces. From what I've seen there are only how-to videos, which makes sense because this reaches the target audience and personality of the magazine.

They don't promote their videos on their site and I don't often see many tweets to their videos, but this might be because they don't do them that often. The first video that pops up when I search for video is from May 5, 2010. This video is under the most recent tab. However, it's hard to say when these videos went up on the site because they aren't dated. I have no idea how many videos they put up in a week.

For the most part the videos last about a minute to a minute-and-a-half. This is the usual time frame for videos.

This video was under the most recent tab. It is 54 seconds.

Date of most recent comment for above video.