Wednesday, April 13, 2011

No Time to Cook App

Real Simple came out with an iPad, iPhone and Android app that is for people who needto create meals during the week in a hurry. It's called No Time to Cook and it was released around December 2010. It was re-released on April 13, 2011 to version 1.0.3
Screenshot of the app on the iPad and iPhone

The reason behind the new launch was because so many people who downloaded the app said that for the $4.99 price tag they expected less ads and more functionality. According to Real Simple this app is supposed to deliver this.
However, after reading comments from users they haven't really since a decrease in the amount of ads. Some even believe that because it's a paid app that it should be ad-free. This is something that I think many app developers are dealing with when it comes to app building. When should ads be used and when should apps be totally ad-free.

On another note, the branding of the application is done very well. It matches the tone and feel of the magazine. The colors and typography are consistent through all of Real Simple's products.

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