Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Real Simple Asks

There is a section on the homepage called Real Simple Asks. It posts questions that the magazine poses to readers and has readers respond in a comment box. The questions rotate on the site and answers are displayed for people to look at.

This is a great example of user-generated content that is unique to the website. The interesting part about these questions is that they are archived and people can comment on them for as long as they are searchable. When looking through some of the older questions, it is easy to see that a lot of the comment givers are frequent users of the site. They often comment on more than one question. This shows that their really is a niche for this kind of stuff. People like to talk about themselves and tell their stories to the world.

Readers can also click on the comment givers profile and see what their recent activity on Real Simple has been. Most of the people I looked at primarily stick to the questions section. This type of engaging media is something that can help foster a small audience. 

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